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Chairperson Message

Objectives: To make practical technical training available to every young person of the country at the lowest price so that they can become self reliant.


Success is not found in any market, and there is no direct formula to succeed in life. But if there is any skill in hand, then many ways of success come out. Everything else comes from honesty and passion for your work. We have learned this from life. The most fundamental thing is that at the beginning of the career, choose an area which is not only suited to your potential but also offers opportunities for huge potential and advancement.

There is no shortage of technical institutions in our country, but why is there a lack of good technicians in the country? Often this question is asked, the reason is only one that the technology is changing with the intensity and newer devices are coming in the market, rather than being taught in institutions, there are not enough changes in the courses.

This institution has always sloganeously advocated for one step ahead, hence the training in the institute is started by the new technology in the market. The inclusion of new technology and its training of honesty is the secret of the popularity of this institution. We have received your affection because of our efforts to provide maximum knowledge at the minimum price.

That is why today we proudly say that students of all our institutions spread across the country have become self-reliant and have made themselves successful.   

Jai Hind !


                                                                                                                            Abhilasha devi

                                                                                                                             (Chair Person)

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